Phantom Kangaroo was born in 2010. I had read about strange occurrences of kangaroos appearing in areas where they should not be. They were described as ghost-like, visible for only seconds, before disappearing or hopping through walls. Some speculate they are aliens, or spirits haunting us from another dimension. Someone suggested animal teleportation, maybe they bounce in and out of existence. Whatever they are, these phantom kangaroos are an omen. A cryptic warning that you will soon be falling into the unknown. They seem to say: I am real and I am a hoax, and so are you. Sometimes poems seem to say the same thing. 

Phantom Kangaroo is a space for these poems — the otherworldly, mystical, bizarre.

Like these interdimensional creatures, I am also on a journey outside of space and time. I blog about it here:

In a parallel reality, I co-produce Recomendo, a weekly newsletter of 6 tools for thought, along with Kevin Kelly and Mark Frauenfelder.

I am reachable at

Claudia Dawson, Founding Publisher & Editor