Girl on the Highway

she went missing midsummer.


she was last seen,

alive out by the highway 

and with no clothes on.


when the police came she was gone,

like a squirrel on a tin roof at dawn.

a ghost.

a memory.

someone's little girl, lost.


then when she was forgotten,

by all but her mother, who carried 

her picture always, she was found;

by boys who were not looking,

as the gold is often found,

in the ground-by dumb luck.


in a cabin,

in deep woods,

she was







D.S. Jones is a poet from Indiana. His influences range from Bukowski to Tennyson. He has sold poems to Black Heart Magazine and Danse Macabre, An Online Literary Journal. His prose has been published in Bare Back Magazine, Shotgun Honey, and is featured in the Told You So Anthology from Pill Hill Press. Visit to learn more.